Thursday, May 5, 2016

MKTG 348: Week 4- Buyer Persona

This week, the emphasis was on the idea of learning how to develop and analyze buyer personas. A buyer persona is a made-up representation of an ideal customer that is created based on market research and existing information on current consumers. Buyer personas provide companies with a few different key demographics to look for when selling their products. These personas are then set to the side and help determine who the company will be selling to and what the company will be selling to.

For example, a few buyer personas may be Innovative Ivan, Oldie Ollie, and Following Frank. Innovative Ivan is the hip and trendy college graduate who has the time and money to buy whatever he wants and whenever he wants. He is the key consumer when the objective is to sell gadgets and brand new technology. Oldie Ollie is a 60 year old man who loves old fashioned things. He is not really into the latest things. He prefers his flip phone and likes to ride his bike for fun. The company would sell sweaters or value jackets to a person like Ollie. Following Frank likes to see what a person like Innovative Ivan has. If Ivan likes it and uses it often, Frank is more likely to buy it. Frank likes to wait for all of the cool, new gadgets to be priced down and does not care if he isn't the first to own the newest trend.

Buyer personas help companies distinguish different types of consumers and this in return helps the consumer feel like all of their needs are being met and met to the fullest of extents.

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