Thursday, May 5, 2016

MKTG 348: Week 7- Search Engine News Logo
One of the objectives of class was to create an account on Search Engine News and get a certification from that site in order to benefit our SEO skills and enhance our development within the class. SEN is a firm that audits websites and helps websites become powerhouses within the search engine industry. Some of the services they offer are on-site analysis, full site crawls, content checks, and site reviews. Once all of these steps and measures are taken, SEN can diagnose whether or not the website at hand is heading in the right direction or not.

The certification test for SEN was one of the easier tests that one will have to take within the Digital Marketing courses. Not only is the information easily graspable but the website REALLY wants the students to pass the test. They give them many chances to take the test through corrections. So if a student takes the test and answers 5 questions wrong and needs to answer three more to pass, the site will tell the student exactly what questions were answered wrong. The student can then retake those questions and resubmit the test. This is better than having to retake the test all over again knowing that you answered most of the test right the first time.

I personally learned alot through SEN. Site crawls and spiders were not words I thought I would ever think about when it came to SEO. Shows how much I know!

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