Thursday, May 5, 2016

MKTG 348: Week 6- Inbound News Article
I recently found an interesting article that discusses inbound marketing and its importance within the world we currently live in. The article sums up the idea that cold emails are a thing of the past. Pulling customers in instead of pushing things on to them is the new way to go about your business. The article uses Hubspot's method of inbound marketing and states it is key in successfully getting your point across. The following four steps are what the article suggests one use in order to fully benefit from inbound marketing.
  1. Attract
  2. Convert
  3. Close
  4. Delight

Attracting is providing valuable content to your audience. It is something you should always be focused on as an inbound marketer.
Converting refers to the fact that once your content generation and promotion is settled, you need to put a hook on to everyone who comes in to view your content.
Closing is the fact that only after a couple of interactions on email should you try and sell your product or service to these people who are engaged on a consistent basis.
Delighting is where you ask questions from your existing customers with feedback forms and learn about what they love about you and what they think you should change.

The article lastly states, "Inbound marketing is a long term activity and doesn’t show results overnight. However the earlier you invest, the better it is. At the end of the day, what is going to survive your business is users who come in on their own and talk about you." Inbound marketing is literally a work of art. The harder you work at it the better you will get. 

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