The last chapter of What Color is Your Parachute?, talks about the very last straw that a job applicant can always fall back on. There is always one available option when it comes to changing your career. That option is to start your own business. If someone cannot find a new job, or their current just is not satisfying, they can always go and start a new business. The author gives the reader three tips to help fully benefit from a new business.
The first tip is to write. The author tells the reader to jot down an ideas that they have. If an idea comes to mind, it must be jotted down or else it might be forgotten. Writing a resume is also key because it helps you put together all of your experiences and certifications. Writing down things you are good at can also help you picture what is right and what is wrong. Reading is the second tip that the author gives. Many websites like Working Solo, Small Business Administration, and A Small Business Expert are given to the reader in hope that they read the tips that are given regarding how to start a business. Exploring is the third tip that is given. This tip involves using all of the previous tips and putting them to use. Researching and exploring successful small businesses can help one picture how their business should be.
The last part of the chapter discusses an "A-B=C" method that can narrow down a business search. The "A" refers to skills and knowledges that are needed to run this kind of business. "B" refers to skills and knowledges that you have. "C" is skills and knowledges needed, which I don't have, so I am going to go out and hire someone who has them. This method helps people determine what aspects of their future business they should keep and what aspects they should throw out.
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