Chapter 7 of What Color is Your Parachute? discusses understanding oneself more and thinking about the person that your future employer is going to hire. One can begin the process by asking questions to them self that regard who they are. The main aspect of this process to truly consider who they are. Instead of answering "I am a construction worker", one should say "I am a person who has construction experience" or "I am a person who is skilled in the construction field." I find this to be a great example of how one can better themselves by just thinking deeper into the problem instead of covering just the surface.
The author then goes on to discuss how we are related to flowers in a way. Seven petals each with a certain aspect of our work and lifestyle experience are used as aspects of the flowers. The first petal is "My favorite Knowledges or Fields of Interest". The second petal is "My Preferred Kinds of People to Work With". "What I Can Do and Love to Do" is the third petal. The fourth petal is "My Favorite Working Conditions". The 5th petal is "My Preferred Salary and Level of Responsibility". "My Preferred Places to Live" is the 6th petal. The last petal is "My Goal, My Purpose, or Mission in Life".
The first petal discusses that one can describe who they are by what they know. People should also take into consideration about the favorite knowledges or fields of interests that others have. The second petal is about what kind of people you would most likely work best with. The traits that are suggested to describe said persons is age span, handicaps and geographic location. The third petal discusses what skills that someone possesses and especially if they can transfer these skills into the workforce. Skills like time management, leadership, and being goal oriented can be very useful in any work setting. Favorite working conditions are considered for the fourth petal. Working conditions can include, but are not limited to, small/large company, indoors/outdoors, and windows/no windows. The fifth petal discusses preferred salary and level of responsibility. The salary aspect is obvious but the level of responsibility refers to working alone or with other fellow employees as a team. The sixth petal, which I personally feel like is the most important aspect of the job experience, deals with job location. This can include warm/cold, northern/southern, urban/rural, coastal/mountains, or even domestic/international. The last petal may be the most underrated one. It discusses one's goals, purpose, or mission in life. If a job does not integrate your beliefs and goals then there is no point in even applying.
The author then goes on to discuss how we are related to flowers in a way. Seven petals each with a certain aspect of our work and lifestyle experience are used as aspects of the flowers. The first petal is "My favorite Knowledges or Fields of Interest". The second petal is "My Preferred Kinds of People to Work With". "What I Can Do and Love to Do" is the third petal. The fourth petal is "My Favorite Working Conditions". The 5th petal is "My Preferred Salary and Level of Responsibility". "My Preferred Places to Live" is the 6th petal. The last petal is "My Goal, My Purpose, or Mission in Life".
The first petal discusses that one can describe who they are by what they know. People should also take into consideration about the favorite knowledges or fields of interests that others have. The second petal is about what kind of people you would most likely work best with. The traits that are suggested to describe said persons is age span, handicaps and geographic location. The third petal discusses what skills that someone possesses and especially if they can transfer these skills into the workforce. Skills like time management, leadership, and being goal oriented can be very useful in any work setting. Favorite working conditions are considered for the fourth petal. Working conditions can include, but are not limited to, small/large company, indoors/outdoors, and windows/no windows. The fifth petal discusses preferred salary and level of responsibility. The salary aspect is obvious but the level of responsibility refers to working alone or with other fellow employees as a team. The sixth petal, which I personally feel like is the most important aspect of the job experience, deals with job location. This can include warm/cold, northern/southern, urban/rural, coastal/mountains, or even domestic/international. The last petal may be the most underrated one. It discusses one's goals, purpose, or mission in life. If a job does not integrate your beliefs and goals then there is no point in even applying.
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